Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thai Iced Tea

6 cups water
1 cup Thai tea leaves
3/4 cup sugar
half and half

The best way to make this is in a French press. If you're using the Ikea press, do it in two runs - 3 cups of water each time.

Boil the water, measure out the leaves, add water and stir. Let it steep for 4 minutes. Then transfer to a pitcher. After completing the second batch, add the sugar and stir to dissolve. Chill in the fridge.

When serving, pour onto ice and fill to about 3/4. Finish off with half and half until it has the right creamy shade of orange. You can add a tablespoon of condensed milk, as this is what restaurants do, but I think it makes it too sweet.


Ok, here's what I've been doing so that I can use 1% milk.
3 cups water
1 cup Thai tea leaves
1/2 cup sugar

Same process as above.  Make it in a french press, there's really no other practical way to do it.

Let cool, bottle.  

To convert to drinkable form, dilute it 1:1 with 1 or 2% milk.  Add ice.  Enjoy.


Monkey said...

this is the best. i can drink gallons every day but i would grow fat probably.

Monkey said...

i used 1/2 cup of sugar with nice results.